I Have A Burning Passion To Speak My Truth
I have been called to minister the Word of God through my experiences so people will be saved and attain eternal life in Christ—1 Corinthians 9:19.

Why Have I Been Called?
To fulfill the will of God, not the will of Sara.
I have been called because of God’s own reasons. I am still not sure why He would want to use me to fulfill His will, but in the end, it is never about me but about Him and His will. I am weak and broken, the worst sinner, yet He called me home, longing for my soul to be united with His loving Spirit. All I know is the Lord saw something in me that I still cannot see. Through my brokenness, and the nothing that I have, He believes that I will fulfill His will and bring glory to His beautiful name. And guess what? I am not the only one He has called but many. Are you one of them? Have you felt the Spirit of God hovering over you? Waiting patiently for you to answer His call and surrender your precious life to Him? If so, answer that call, surrender your precious life, and know He will use you for His glory. He will set you apart and make you great because He is the great I AM. He died for us so we could be united with God and rebuild that relationship we were always meant to have with Him. Being in this loving relationship with the Lord has been the best decision I ever made in my life. I know it will be for you too! Praise the Lord!
Why Am I Here?
To minister the Word of God through an amazing gift from the Lord—words.
I began recognizing the voice of God through times of writing, specifically poetry. Two voices kept trying to silence the voice of God, my voice and the enemy’s voice, but both continue to fail. Every time I write, the Holy Spirit speaks. He spoke to me so much that I curated a collection of poems recently published as my first book of poems. In the end, I pray that through this website, through my words, you encounter the Truth and begin to solely rely on the Truth. Jesus is here for each and every one of us. Jesus is waiting for you in love.
Who Am I?
I am a nobody. I am a deadbeat sinner.
I am this horrible being who does not deserve to be alive and breathing. I know this sounds pretty harsh, but it is the harsh truth. A portion of me speaking this way is condemnation from the adversary and me, but the overall convicting truth is that I am a sinner! I am not worthy to be alive, though the Lord gave me life—grace. I deserve to be dead, though the Lord shielded me from death—mercy. He is so great; I am not. Sometimes it stings, but that’s the pride and ego settling in. The humble part of me knows this is truth. I am but a piece of dust. Who will remember me when I am dead? No one. Thank You Lord.

I am a lost and broken mortal, full of inner pain and turmoil since youth. If it were not for Jesus, I would not be here. I would not care to wake up. Believe me or not, but that is the truth. Do I feel worthy to have created this website? No. Do I feel like I deserve to share that I wrote a book? No. To dwell in the victory of accomplishing a book? No. To desire for millions of people to read my book? No. Though my Father says it is okay to strive for success, I believe I am not allowed to want it. Though I crave it so strongly, I am not allowed to have success in my life. In turn, all of this I have done out of obedience to the Lord. I know the Lord is happy that I obeyed Him as He wants to show me that true success is attainable through Him but again, I deny that I could ever attain true success. The majority of the time, I want to be dead! But there is no going back from the Lord, and as much as it sucks sometimes because of wanting to be dead. I know it is a blessing to have the Creator want me alive and breathing. Through Jesus, I am a somebody. Through Jesus, I deserve success. When the Lord is ready, He’ll take me.
—Proverbs 2:7 [NIV]